fbpx Libros y Partituras de MEREDITH MUSIC PUBLICATIONS | Musikarte Instrumentos
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4 Mallet Exercises Garwood, Whaley 12,50 €
4 Mallet Fundamentals Whaley, Garwood/ Grover, Neil 17,30 €
4 Mallet Primer Varios/ Grover, Neil 11,55 €
4 Percussion Quartets for Young Performe rs Lang, Morris 23,10 €
A Conductor’s Interpretive Analysis of Masterworks for Band Fennell, Frederick 23,10 €
Ahrirang Tradicional 26,20 €
American Suite Gauthreaux, Guy G. 14,40 €
An Understandable Approach to Musical Ex pression Laudermilch, Kenneth 16,35 €
Art of Percussion Accessory Playing Cirone, A.J/ Whaley, G. 12,50 €
Auditions Etudes Whaley, John 15,40 €
Basics in Rhythm Whaley, Garwood 13,00 €
Basics in Rhythm + Online Audio Garwood, Whaley 22,10 €
Between The Lines Glassock, Lynn 25,00 €
Blueprint for Band Garofalo, Robert 32,70 €
Concerto for Percussion and Band Jager, Robert 96,00 €
Conducting With Feeling Harris, Frederick 24,50 €
Fundamental Studies for Mallets Whaley, Garwood 25,00 €
Galop from "The Comedians" Kabalevsky, Dimitri 70,00 €
Golden Age of the Xylophone Werle/ Eyles 33,70 €
Great Music for String Orchestra Boscaino, Barbara 37,50 €
Intermedite Studies for Developing Artis ts Trombone or Euphonium Hilliard, Howard 18,25 €
Lip Slurs for Tuba Swoboda, Deanna 18,25 €
Lip Spurs for Euphonium Swoboda/ Tuinen 18,25 €
Mallet Percusion for Young Beginners Eyles, Randall 14,40 €
More Auditions Etudes + CD Whaley, John 25,00 €