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Libros y Partituras de Whaley, Garwood

Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
4 Mallet Fundamentals Whaley, Garwood/ Grover, Neil 17,30 €
Basics in Rhythm Whaley, Garwood 13,00 €
Concert Solos for the Intermediate Snare Drummer + CD Whaley, Garwood 21,30 €
Fundamental Studies for Mallets Whaley, Garwood 25,00 €
Fundamental Studies for Snare Drum Whaley, Garwood 25,00 €
Fundamental Studies for Timpani Whaley, Garwood 25,00 €
Interplay for Percussion Sextet Whaley, Garwood 19,00 €
More Basics in Rhythm Whaley, Garwood 13,45 €
Musical Studies for Intermediate Snare D rummer Whaley, Garwood 25,00 €
Musical Studies for the Intermediate Mal let Player Whaley, Garwood 18,25 €
Musical Studies for the Intermediate Tim panist Whaley, Garwood 25,00 €
Primary Handbook for Mallets Whaley, Garwood 13,00 €
Primary Handbook for Mallets Book + Onli Whaley, Garwood 19,70 €
Primary Handbook for Snare Drum Book/ On Whaley, Garwood 18,75 €
Primary Handbook for Timpani + CD Whaley, Garwood 21,70 €
Recital Solos For Snare Drum Whaley, Garwood 21,30 €
Scherzo for Timpani Whaley, Garwood 8,65 €
Solos and Duets for Timpani Whaley, Garwood 17,30 €
Statement for Timpani Whaley, Garwood 17,30 €