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Libros y Partituras de Speckert, George A.

Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
27 Miniatures for String Trio Speckert, George A. 16,45 €
Don’t Feed the Animals. 12 Pieces for St ring Ensemble Speckert, George A. 14,10 €
Fiddle Tunes Speckert, George A. 16,45 €
Fiddle Tunes Varios/ Speckert, George A. 19,30 €
Folk Tradicional/ Speckert, George A. 16,45 €
Merry Christmas for Strings Speckert, George A. 16,95 €
Tango Classics for Cello and Piano Varios/ Speckert, George A. 0,00 €
Tango Classics for Violin and Piano Varios/ Speckert, George A. 0,00 €
Tango for Strings Speckert, George A. 22,10 €
The Roots of Jazz Speckert, George A. 15,05 €
The Roots of Jazz for Violin and Violonc ello Varios/ Speckert, George A. 16,00 €