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Libros y Partituras de G. TARRODI

Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
A Christian Song Trombon y Piano Sandström, Jan 38,50 €
Concerto per Trombone Alto in D/ Full Sc ore y Solista Haydn, Michael 33,70 €
Concerto per Trombone Alto in D/ Red.Pno and Piano Haydn, Michael 38,50 €
Concerto per Trombone Alto/Allegro, Adag io, Presto/ Red. Pno. Mozart, Leopold 42,30 €
Joe Jack Binglebandit Lindberg, Christian 42,30 €
Sang till Lotta Sandström, Jan 53,00 €
Subadobe Hogberg, Fredrik 26,00 €
Subadobe II (If you were mine...) Hogberg, Fredrik 26,00 €
Subadobe III (Sometimes the Dogs too are Lonely...) Hogberg, Fredrik 26,00 €
Subadobe IV Hogberg, Fredrik 26,00 €
Subadobe V Hogberg, Fredrik 26,00 €
Thais Meditation Massenet, Jules 31,70 €
The Swan. Le Cygne Saint/ Saens, Camille 31,70 €
Three Medieval Dances Anónimo/ Lindberg, Christian 39,40 €
Trombone Concerto Op. 4 Ferdinand, David/ Lindberg, Christian 62,50 €
Variations on two Gregorian Chants from Kloster Neuburg Anónimo/ Lindberg, Christian 38,50 €