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Libros y Partituras de NOVA MUSIC

Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
4 Immortal Melodies Varios 15,65 €
4 Immortal Melodies Varios/ Reid, Duncan 15,10 €
Aspects of a landscape Reade, Paul 11,20 €
Ave María Bach, Johann S./ Gounod, Charles 8,95 €
Bumper Brass Hurrell, Andrew 21,30 €
Clarinet Studies Lyons, Graham 13,40 €
Concerto in B-Flat Fiala, Josef 17,90 €
Concerto Nº 2 in F Bach, Johann Ch. 11,75 €
Homage to Haydn Sonatina in C For 2 Wind Instruments Ball, Christopher 11,75 €
Homage to Mozart Sonatina in C For 2 Wind Instruments Ball, Christopher 11,75 €
Homage to Rossini Sonatina in F For 2 Wind Instruments Ball, Christopher 11,75 €
Homage to Schubert For 2 Wind Instruments Ball, Christopher 11,75 €
Morceau de Salon Op. 228 Kalliwoda, Johannes W. 15,65 €
Nessun Dorma Puccini, Giacomo/ Reid, Duncan 7,30 €
Nessun Dorma Puccini, Giacomo/ Reid, D. 13,40 €
New Basson Solos Book 1 Beginners Varios/ Lyons, Graham 14,55 €
Nineteenth Century Collection Vol. 1 Varios/ Brown, James 18,45 €
Prelude And Variations Op. 20 On The Car nival Of Venice Lalliet, Theodore 18,45 €
Six Sonatas Op. 5 Naudot, Jacques-Christophe 13,40 €
Six Sonatinas Nº 1,2,3,7,9,11 Pezel, Johann 11,20 €
Six Trio Sonatas Op. 3 Vol. I Nº 1-3 Hotteterre, Jacques Martin 19,00 €
Sonata in G Keller, G. 17,35 €
Symphonia a 2 Op. 3/XV111 (1649) Kempis, Nikolaus 13,40 €
The Three Authentic Sonatas Handel, George F. 19,00 €
Three Trios Op. 26 Cambini, Giovanni G. 21,80 €