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Libros y Partituras de MUSICA RARA

Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
12 Fantasias TWV 40:2-13 Telemann, Georg 22,40 €
18 Cells for Flute Lenski, Karl 24,60 €
60 Easy Studies Pushechnikov, I.F. 28,00 €
Andante and Rondo Op. 25 Doppler, Franz 28,00 €
Basson Bibliograpy Koenigsbeck, Bodo 55,50 €
Canonic Adagio K.484 d (410) Mozart, W. Amadeus 12,30 €
Canzon 33 Massaino, Tiburto 12,30 €
Clarinet Concerto C Major/ Red.Pno. Pleyel, Ignaz 37,50 €
Complete Arias & Sinfonias Vol. 8 Bach, Johann S. 24,60 €
Complete Arias & Sinfonias Vol.4 Bach, Johann S. 22,40 €
Complete Arias & Sinfonias Vol.6 Bach, Johann S. 26,30 €
Complete Arias Vol.1. BWV 36b, 82a, 100 Soprano Bach, Johann S. 26,30 €
Complete Sonatas for Flute and B.C Vol.1 Bach, Carl Ph. E. 19,55 €
Complete Sonatas for Flute and B.C Vol.2 Bach, Carl Ph. E. 23,50 €
Complete Sonatas for Flute and B.C Vol.3 Bach, Carl Ph. E. 26,90 €
Complete Sonatas for Flute and B.C Vol.4 Bach, Carl Ph. E. 23,50 €
Complete Trumpet Repertoire Purcell, Henry 35,20 €
Complete Trumpet Repertoire Vol. 1 Operas Handel, Georg F. 22,40 €
Complete Trumpet Repertoire Vol. 2 Sacred Oratorios Handel, Georg F. 47,50 €
Complete Trumpet Repertoire Vol. 3 Church Music Handel, Georg F. 26,90 €
Complete Trumpet Repertoire Vol. 4 Miscellaneous Handel, Georg F. 24,10 €
Complete Trumpet Repertorie Vol. 1 BWV 5-77. Church Cantatas Bach, Johann S. 33,60 €
Complete Trumpet Repertorie Vol.2 Church Cantatas II Bach, Johann S. 29,10 €
Complete Trumpet Repertorie Vol.3.Masses , Oratorios, Secular Cantatas,Orch.Works Bach, Johann S. 34,10 €
Concert E flat / Red. Pno d. Pno. Stamitz, Carl 29,10 €