fbpx Libros y Partituras de CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | Musikarte Instrumentos
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  • Nuestra empresa permanecerá cerrada el 28 de febrero por festividad del Día de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía


Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
A History of Singing Potter, J./ Sorrell, N. 50,00 €
Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra Cooper, David 43,30 €
Brahms, The Clarinet Quintet Lawson, Colin 42,80 €
Chopin Pianist and Teacher as seen by H is Pupils Eigeldinger, Jean/ Jacques 50,00 €
Esthetics of Music Dahlhaus, Carl 38,10 €
Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond (Music in the Twentieth Century) Nyman, Michael 38,10 €
Harmony in Haydn and Mozart Damschroder, David 75,00 €
Introduction to the Art of Singing Agricola, Johann F. 80,50 €
Liszt Sonata in B minor Hamilton, Kenneth 39,10 €
Messiaen: Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps Pople, Anthony 32,50 €
Mozart. Clarinet Concerto Lawson, Colin 41,40 €
Music and Society Leppert, Richard 48,50 €
Music, Gender, Education Green, Lucy 46,10 €
One Hundred Years of Violoncello Walden, Valerie 80,00 €
Performing Brahms Musgrave, M./ Sherman, B. D. 129,90 €
Performing Operas for Mozart Woodfield, Ian 81,50 €
Playing With History Butt, John 32,90 €
Serialism Whittall, Arnold 32,90 €
The Cambridge Clarinet Piano Part Harris, Paul 24,50 €
The Cambridge Clarinet Tutor Harris, Paul 34,80 €
The Cambridge Companion to Recorded Musi c Cook, N./ Clarke, E./ Leech/ Wilkinson, D 42,40 €
The Cambridge Companion to the Brass Ins truments Herbert, Trevor/ Wallace, John 44,70 €
The Cambridge Companion to the Cello Stowell, Robin 34,80 €
The Cambridge Companion to the Clarinet Lawson, Colin 48,90 €
The Cambridge Companion to the Saxophone Ingham, Richar 50,00 €