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Libros y Partituras de ANDEL EDITIONS

Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Precio
Ouverture De La Force Du Destin Clarinet Choir Series Verdi, Guiseppe/ Nowak, Guiseppe 37,70 €
Ouverture de Tancrede (Clarinet Choir) Rossini, Gioachino/ Nowak, Michel 37,70 €
Ouverture Don Giovanni Mozart, W. Amadeus/ Triebensee 39,50 €
Ouverture d’ Obéron Weber, Carl Maria/ Nowak, Michel 39,50 €
Pomp and Circumstance Nº 1 Elgar, Edward/ Nowak, Michel 40,00 €
Prelude (Claribel Collection) Cardon, Roland 32,00 €
Sonate (Tpa-Pno) Vignery, Jane 25,50 €
Spaceman Kesterman, Jean 119,90 €
Suite Française (Claribel Collection) Soenen, Willy 47,00 €
Suite Tastevinesque Crépin, Alain 129,90 €
Suite Tastevinesque for Saxophone Choir Crépin, Alain 33,90 €
Sweet Light Reflections (Claribel Collec Spaniola, Josef 39,50 €
The Hebrides Op. 26 Mendelssohn, Felix/ Nowak, Michel 48,90 €
Variations Stekke, Leon 16,95 €